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With the acceleration of urbanization, urban infrastructure is facing increasingly severe challenges. Among them, the efficiency of the rainwater drainage system is directly related to the city's flood control and drainage capacity, as ···
In the rapid development of commercial real estate, the optimization plan of drainage system is gradually becoming a key factor in promoting project upgrading and enhancing commercial value. An efficient and reliable drainage system can not···
With the acceleration of urbanization, urban water resource management is facing unprecedented challenges. How to efficiently and reasonably utilize every drop of water under limited natural water resources has become a common concern for u···
In today's pursuit of quality of life and personalization, home decoration is no longer just meeting basic living needs, but has become an important way to showcase personal taste and attitude towards life. The continuous emergence of n···
In today's increasingly accelerated urbanization process, the improvement of urban flood control capacity has become an important issue in ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. As the infrastructure for urban flood con···